Oct 9, 2011

Supporting Breast Cancer Awareness

My dad died of maxillary cancer ten years ago and a family friend died of breast cancer. I knew some people who are battling over this disease and I was so glad that some of them survived. I know it wasn't easy on their part because they were dealing this ordeal not knowing what lies ahead. And I am here only to support this cause, hoping that most of us, if not all, will be spared by being health conscious and live a productive life.

If you want to support this campaign, you can do so by promoting this awareness. Together, we can use breast cancer awareness products that I found online. Lapel pins, rubber bracelets, pink ribbon chains or even pink caps are available at their site so just choose which one you like best. And if you are also supporting other awareness, they also have it so just feel free to browse.

Let us spread this awareness in honor of our family and friends who are fighting for this disease. It may be just a small way of helping them but perhaps we can save a lot of lives by just supporting this cause.