Feb 24, 2010

My Namesake

I happen to browse my Friendster account lately and it was only then that I read some of the messages and comments sent to me. I had this friend, who years ago courted me. He was my classmate in college but I shifted to another course and he transferred to another school/city. Despite that, he tried to keep in touch with me via long distance calls and continued his intention. We soon became good friends and finally stopped courting me when I told him that I already had a boyfriend (now, my husband). He wished me well. He was really a nice, thoughtful and caring person but what I can only give him was long-lasting friendship. I guess we were good as friends. I got married and had a kid later and he remained single.

But around 2 years ago, he got married and soon migrated to another country. I wished him well, too, and glad that he was very blessed and happy. Early this year, he greeted me on my birthday and on his profile was a picture of his baby girl. I browsed the pictures and to my surprised, his baby and I shared the same name. I would've asked him if he named it after me, hehe. But perhaps he and his wife just like the name they christened to the baby. It's a nice name, anyway, hehehe...